Auto Split Long Stitches

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Auto Split Long Stitches


Split stitches in several parts on Zig-Zag stitches, when the stitch length exceeds the indicated value. It offers an approximation to the Zig-Zag style on objects that are wider than recommendad for Zig-Zag.

OI Adjustment_AutoSplitStitches

Auto Split types are:

oFixed: Stitches are split according to a fixed length. The defined value does not change along the stitches.

oProportional: Uses a percentage to split the stitches.

oRandom: Applies a random distribution on the split divisions.


Trigger at: Allows to set a value in which the split stitches will be applied.

Stitch Length: It is the value (displayed in mm) that shows where the stitch splits.

Proportional: It is the value (displayed in %) that shows where the stitch splits.



Fixed Split


emb summary 93


Proportional Split


emb summary 94


Random Split


emb summary 95