What's new in version 20?

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What's new in version 20?

What's new in version 20?


We have created a new version of your favorite software for the apparel decoration. The new version v20 is ready and you can get it soon! This is the list of the main software improvements:


About the Product Plattform

hmtoggle_arrow164 bits software
hmtoggle_arrow1Perpetual License with Keyless Protection
hmtoggle_arrow1User Manual HTML


hmtoggle_arrow1Block Menu
hmtoggle_arrow1Layout Tool (Editing)
hmtoggle_arrow1New Help Tooltab
hmtoggle_arrow1Main Toolbar
hmtoggle_arrow1Anchored Documents
hmtoggle_arrow1Components Browser
hmtoggle_arrow1Start Design Wizard
hmtoggle_arrow1Improved Drag & Drop of external files
hmtoggle_arrow1Tabs of Open Documents
hmtoggle_arrow1Rotation Grip (block editing)
hmtoggle_arrow1Improved Grip marks
hmtoggle_arrow1Shortcuts Settings

Only for Embroidery Decoration

hmtoggle_arrow1Embroidery fill style Stippling
hmtoggle_arrow1External Offset property for Applique fill style
hmtoggle_arrow1Embroidery sequin palette
hmtoggle_arrow1Thread Color Charts
hmtoggle_arrow1Discontinued Features